Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Joe story

I heard a rumor that I suck at blogging....LOL It's funny cuz it's true. So I am going to try and stay on top on this thing and update it more regularly even if I think that what I'm writing is super uninteresting to anyone but myself :) I have decided to share with you all a story about a man, a man named Joe. Joe, if you recall is my hubby, and he is ridiculously funny when he drinks. Over this past weekend it was the Superbowl. I only like Superbowl for two reasons: 1. It means the end of football for a few glorious months. 2. The food at the parties is delicious. We went to a party at Joe's friend's cousin's house. There were lots of his old friends, many kids and yummy treats. Joe got liquored up over the course of a few hours and he had a blast. He ended up giving a public service announcement to his friend's younger brother about smoking...for 15 minutes...while he held onto his neck and heas very close to his face. The poor kid was trying so hard to crack up. After all the fun, it was time to get my lil party man home. We got home, I got Bella ready for and into bed. Joe had disappeared. I go into the bedroom and he is fully dressed and passed out on the was 8:15 pm. Guess I'm on my own for awhile. I watched tv for a bit, not ready to sleep just yet and after awhile I decide to take a shower. I go into our room and I hear "77777." Huh? I started laughing and said, "What are you talking about?" Joe smacked his lips like he was anticipating something delicious and says "I will crush your face." Now he says this to me all the time so i thought he was awake so I said " You were talking about 7777." He said in a very matter of fact, duh voice " That's how much they charge me!" And then nothing. This whole discussion took place without his eyes opening once. Sigh, I love him...he's so entertaining.

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