I miss my husband. How long has he been gone? I dropped his cute behind off at LAX yesterday morning at 7:30 am. Now, don't get me wrong, I like some alone time..well, not exactly alone seeing as Bella is around, but I don't like going to sleep alone. It's scary and lonely, so thank goodness I only have one or two more nights cuz I am not a fan. He used to be gone a lot more when he was working for W.W. and although I didn't like it, I was kinda used to it. But since they went under, he has been home wayyyy more and now I'm used to that. Le sigh haha I don't know how the military wives do it, or other wives whose husband's jobs take them away for weeks, months, years. Hats off to them...seriously.
In other news, Bella, if she quits overthinking it and starts to like the rug burn, seems like she will be crawling soon. If she had it her way and her chunky legs were strong enough, I think she's skip the crawling and go to walking. She hasn't been advanced developmentally in the physical area except holding her head up and sitting up so it may be the normal time frame for all that. She kinda gets in a frog squat and then flops over and cusses you out in baby language (at least thats what it sounds like!). She has also learned to scream...great lol She also yells at me when I don't get her food into her mouth as fast as she wants it....oh the power struggles to come. Here's a cute new pic of our little monster for you to enjoy. <3

LIES! I can't believe foul baby language would ever come out of that mouth! No way! She's a doll.
If I don't give Zoey her food fast enough she signs more and then yells, "MA MA MA MA." No she's not saying Mama. Nope. She's saying more. She wants it now!
She's soooooo cute! What a great picture :) Hope your hubby gets home soon enough.
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