26 years ago today, Joseph Louis Hullings arrived in Montclair,CA. He weighed about 5 1/2 lbs. which if you know him today, makes sense :) I have no idea how long he was or how long his mom was in labor, but I think I will call her today and tell her thank you. Thank you for bringing my soul mate into the world, for giving him the life that ultimately led him to me. He is my best friend, my partner in crime, my lover, my rock, the father of my child...my everything. I can't even imagine a life without him in it. Can't imagine a morning where I don't see his skinny butt bobbing his head, singing whatever little ditty got stuck in his brain that morning (or whatever he made up) or hearing "I will crush your eyeball" or getting attacked when the commercials come on from whatever show we are watching. I'm a lucky, lucky girl and even when this man is bugging the crap outta me, I smile (maybe not right away) and am amzed at my good fortune. He is kind, he cooks, he cleans, he is so un-selfish, he is exactly my flavor of dork, easy going, he is funny and he is mine. Joe and I got together a few monts before his 17th birthday...I remember what I got him too: A pair of Etnies (very popular when we were in HS). I have almost had 10 birthdays with him and yet, I was still so excited to give him his gift, just like all the years before. The plotting and planning and hiding....to see his face when he opened the bag to see the autographed football he wanted and I saved for was the best. Anywho, the whole reason to this post was to wish my husband, the best 26th birthday ever. Love you babe! *MUAH*
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE! Tell his mom thanks from me too, He's definitely the best husband I could ever have asked for for you. <3 you guys!
Awww Happy B-day to your hubby! Hope you guys had a great time :D
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