Friday, December 19, 2008

Miss McNugget or Mr. McNugget

As I mentioned in a previous post, my little sister Sarah is currently baking a baby (one of the many that will be born next year.) I have nicknamed said baby McNugget because that is my sister's fave food and that's what it looks like to me. I have been betting that it was a boy and that my bestie Lisa was having a girl (then Bestie Geana popped up and said, "I'm preggo again!" but found out pretty quickly that they said they 90% sure it was a boy so I didn't have too much time to guess about her lil sprout.) We have been all set to go to her 3-D ultrasound this Saturday at 5 PM to see if we can catch a glimpse of the "area", it's on my calendar at work and everything. So needless to say, I was super surprised when she called me a few days ago and told me a story that involved her getting an ultrasound. Wait, what? She was with her best friend (currently 26 weeks along with her third baby) who was having an ultrasound and the guy doing them offered Sarah a chance up there so she could save her money and wait til the baby was "cuter" and not so "scary" LOL Well, who can turn down anything free? Not Sarah, so she hopped up on that table and was told "butt cheek, butt cheek, nothing in between." IT'S A GIRL!! I cried when she told me. My little sister, having a baby, a little girl. I thought my lil heart couldn't get any bigger but with each new baby, it makes room to accommodate all that love. Hailey Kay is due June 12th, 2009 and I seriously cannot wait. Bella and her cousin will be only 11 months apart . I am so looking forward to the bond that these two girls will share, hopefully like the one their mother's have. Hurry up June!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Awww Congratulations to your little sis! Such wonderful news :)