Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My poor baby
Bella has a slight ear infection. She never once pulled at her ears, I had no clue, I feel so bad. As a mom, you feel like you should know these things. I didn't. No wonder she is cranky! Yesterday was rough, she was really unhappy and was letting her mama know. Not only did she have the ear infection, she also got her second dose of the flu shot. I couldn't do anything for her and I think that is what frustrated me the most. Joe was in a meeting most of the day so we were on our own. My poor baby. I felt guilty but I was in such a need of a break, that I sat her down with some toys (still screaming) and went into our bedroom and threw myself on the bed and laid there in the dark. I needed to gather my wits and my sanity. Don't worry, I was only gone for 30 seconds tops, don't call child services on me. I also ate a bunch of cookies....those helped me too. heehee The dr. gave use some antibiotics so I'm hoping that my Bella Boo gets some relief pretty soon. I'm also glad that there was a reason she was acting so crabby and that this wasn't just her new personality, that would suck. We have a follow up appointment next week to make sure she's getting better. Get well sweetie!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Hi there
It's been a week...missed me? No? Are you sure? I'm so interesting. LOL Not a whole lot going down in my neck of the woods.
Bella (my normally smiley baby) is a Cranky McCrankster and it's slowly driving Joe and I a bit nutty. We took turns last night, he had her for 20 minutes then it was my turn. We were even in separate rooms. It's gotten that bad. She doesn't want to be alone..."alone" to her is being in the same room with us, just not being held. And even when being held or played with, said baby is crying and squirmy unless you let her drink your water or destroy the tv remote. Everyone asks, is she teething? I have no freaking idea. I don't see any teeth, swollen gums or anything else that would indicate teething. Her drooling is actually less then it was two months ago. She doesn't seem sick. I'm stumped. Good thing we have a Dr. appt. tomorrow, I'll pick his brain. And god bless all of the mamas out there who's babies had/have colic and are still rock. Love this kid either way but I want my Bella Boo back.
Work is work. Same ole same ole. Happy to still have a job though, it's getting super rough out there. Our house situation is a bit rocky again but we're trying to stay positive. I have my moments but in the end, I try to be thankful for all that I do have and it makes it a bit easier to get outta the sad/mad/scared/wtf times.
On a super happy, excited note: On March 1st I am going to meet Matt and Maddy! I read that blog everyday ( , have been so touched and am unbelievably stoked that this "play date" has been set up. Everyone's invited! Except Jerks and Baby stealer's (Matt's stipulations, not mine heehee). I have a feeling that it's going to be quite the event. I may not even get to meet them even being there in person. lol I am hope, hope, hoping that Bestie Jenn can come with me and Bella. She is the one who sent me the link to this amazing blog.
Anywho, that's all I got for now. I swear I'm trying to blog more often! <3
Bella (my normally smiley baby) is a Cranky McCrankster and it's slowly driving Joe and I a bit nutty. We took turns last night, he had her for 20 minutes then it was my turn. We were even in separate rooms. It's gotten that bad. She doesn't want to be alone..."alone" to her is being in the same room with us, just not being held. And even when being held or played with, said baby is crying and squirmy unless you let her drink your water or destroy the tv remote. Everyone asks, is she teething? I have no freaking idea. I don't see any teeth, swollen gums or anything else that would indicate teething. Her drooling is actually less then it was two months ago. She doesn't seem sick. I'm stumped. Good thing we have a Dr. appt. tomorrow, I'll pick his brain. And god bless all of the mamas out there who's babies had/have colic and are still rock. Love this kid either way but I want my Bella Boo back.
Work is work. Same ole same ole. Happy to still have a job though, it's getting super rough out there. Our house situation is a bit rocky again but we're trying to stay positive. I have my moments but in the end, I try to be thankful for all that I do have and it makes it a bit easier to get outta the sad/mad/scared/wtf times.
On a super happy, excited note: On March 1st I am going to meet Matt and Maddy! I read that blog everyday ( , have been so touched and am unbelievably stoked that this "play date" has been set up. Everyone's invited! Except Jerks and Baby stealer's (Matt's stipulations, not mine heehee). I have a feeling that it's going to be quite the event. I may not even get to meet them even being there in person. lol I am hope, hope, hoping that Bestie Jenn can come with me and Bella. She is the one who sent me the link to this amazing blog.
Anywho, that's all I got for now. I swear I'm trying to blog more often! <3
Monday, February 16, 2009

26 years ago today, Joseph Louis Hullings arrived in Montclair,CA. He weighed about 5 1/2 lbs. which if you know him today, makes sense :) I have no idea how long he was or how long his mom was in labor, but I think I will call her today and tell her thank you. Thank you for bringing my soul mate into the world, for giving him the life that ultimately led him to me. He is my best friend, my partner in crime, my lover, my rock, the father of my everything. I can't even imagine a life without him in it. Can't imagine a morning where I don't see his skinny butt bobbing his head, singing whatever little ditty got stuck in his brain that morning (or whatever he made up) or hearing "I will crush your eyeball" or getting attacked when the commercials come on from whatever show we are watching. I'm a lucky, lucky girl and even when this man is bugging the crap outta me, I smile (maybe not right away) and am amzed at my good fortune. He is kind, he cooks, he cleans, he is so un-selfish, he is exactly my flavor of dork, easy going, he is funny and he is mine. Joe and I got together a few monts before his 17th birthday...I remember what I got him too: A pair of Etnies (very popular when we were in HS). I have almost had 10 birthdays with him and yet, I was still so excited to give him his gift, just like all the years before. The plotting and planning and see his face when he opened the bag to see the autographed football he wanted and I saved for was the best. Anywho, the whole reason to this post was to wish my husband, the best 26th birthday ever. Love you babe! *MUAH*
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Bestie Lisa is having a....BOY! I was wrong but am so super excited for her and her hubby! Bring on the nephews, yippee!
I miss my husband. How long has he been gone? I dropped his cute behind off at LAX yesterday morning at 7:30 am. Now, don't get me wrong, I like some alone time..well, not exactly alone seeing as Bella is around, but I don't like going to sleep alone. It's scary and lonely, so thank goodness I only have one or two more nights cuz I am not a fan. He used to be gone a lot more when he was working for W.W. and although I didn't like it, I was kinda used to it. But since they went under, he has been home wayyyy more and now I'm used to that. Le sigh haha I don't know how the military wives do it, or other wives whose husband's jobs take them away for weeks, months, years. Hats off to them...seriously.
In other news, Bella, if she quits overthinking it and starts to like the rug burn, seems like she will be crawling soon. If she had it her way and her chunky legs were strong enough, I think she's skip the crawling and go to walking. She hasn't been advanced developmentally in the physical area except holding her head up and sitting up so it may be the normal time frame for all that. She kinda gets in a frog squat and then flops over and cusses you out in baby language (at least thats what it sounds like!). She has also learned to scream...great lol She also yells at me when I don't get her food into her mouth as fast as she wants it....oh the power struggles to come. Here's a cute new pic of our little monster for you to enjoy. <3

Thursday, February 5, 2009
My friend
Wow, two posts in one day? Look at me. This post is not as light hearted as the others but it's important to me nonetheless. 11 years ago today, I lost a dear friend. It was my first real experience with death with someone my age. I dated a boy when I was in 7th grade and he was in 8th. His name was Jeff Wilson. He was tall, skinny, had blone hair, blue eyes and loved Stars Wars. He was a nice guy but as you know, those middle school relationships don't last long and we broke up. We lost contact for a few months. him being in high school now and me still in 8th grade but somehow we ended up at the same youth group that December. We reconnected and started talking as friends for a few months. February 5, 1998 I went to school, went to choir practice, came home and was actually waiting for him to call me like he said he would. Instead, I got a phone call from another friend who said that Jeff Wilson was dead. He has been hit by a car on his dirt bike and had not survived. I was devastated and at first I was in denial, but it was true, my friend was gone. The next day at school was a somber one. Many students were pale and red eyed as they tried to make sense of this tragedy. How could Jeff be dead? He's just a kid, a year older then us. His funeral was 10 days later and it was packed. It was my first funeral and I'll never forget it. I can still see him laying there, like he was sleeping, he looked so good, so peaceful. My sister went with me and she had nightmares for a few nights after. Death is scary. His mother was married in that church 4 days later, I helped serve food. Later the man she married, a friend's grandpa, died and his funeral was in that same church. I hate that church. I miss my friend. Rest in Peace Jeff. Love ya.
A Joe story
I heard a rumor that I suck at blogging....LOL It's funny cuz it's true. So I am going to try and stay on top on this thing and update it more regularly even if I think that what I'm writing is super uninteresting to anyone but myself :) I have decided to share with you all a story about a man, a man named Joe. Joe, if you recall is my hubby, and he is ridiculously funny when he drinks. Over this past weekend it was the Superbowl. I only like Superbowl for two reasons: 1. It means the end of football for a few glorious months. 2. The food at the parties is delicious. We went to a party at Joe's friend's cousin's house. There were lots of his old friends, many kids and yummy treats. Joe got liquored up over the course of a few hours and he had a blast. He ended up giving a public service announcement to his friend's younger brother about smoking...for 15 minutes...while he held onto his neck and heas very close to his face. The poor kid was trying so hard to crack up. After all the fun, it was time to get my lil party man home. We got home, I got Bella ready for and into bed. Joe had disappeared. I go into the bedroom and he is fully dressed and passed out on the was 8:15 pm. Guess I'm on my own for awhile. I watched tv for a bit, not ready to sleep just yet and after awhile I decide to take a shower. I go into our room and I hear "77777." Huh? I started laughing and said, "What are you talking about?" Joe smacked his lips like he was anticipating something delicious and says "I will crush your face." Now he says this to me all the time so i thought he was awake so I said " You were talking about 7777." He said in a very matter of fact, duh voice " That's how much they charge me!" And then nothing. This whole discussion took place without his eyes opening once. Sigh, I love him...he's so entertaining.
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